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Our World is entering a very important phase in its existence. Each one of us is searching for meaning during these great changes in both t​he World and in our own lives. The Alternative Therapists Partnership is dedicated to providing a holistic healing environment for all those seekers. We offer a number of specialized holistic healing modalities to the public.​

We recognize that the need for introspection during this transcendent time is very important to many individuals. We understand that the sense of interconnectedness in mind, body, and spirit is essential for us all. We respect those individuals who seek to bring all aspects of the Self into balance. We encourage an open environment where one can safely seek to balance his or her own inner Self.


*All information on this site is provided for educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose nor treat any, nor all, specific medical conditions. It is not suggesting, nor indicating, that one should substitute it in place of seeking proper medical care through a licensed physician.

*All services are completely confidential.

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